Henry HauglandJun 17, 2021Understand Your Best Customers to Win Long-Term GrowthFor many of you, managing exceptional growth has become your most urgent priority. Challenges include supply chain issues, staff...
Henry HauglandJun 8, 2021How to Leverage the Economic RecoveryFrom the Wall Street Journal on June 3: The Economic Recovery Is Here. It’s Unlike Anything You Have Seen. Just a year ago, many...
Henry HauglandMar 16, 2021What Color is Your Ocean?W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne’s “Blue Ocean Strategy” describes the challenges companies face when they allow themselves to become...
Henry HauglandJan 18, 2021Why Your Strategy Isn't EnoughPeter Drucker: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” The values, attitudes and behaviors of executives and employees make up the culture...
Henry HauglandDec 23, 2020Is Your Team All on the Same Page?If you are a football fan, you know what happens when all 11 players leave the huddle without knowing exactly what they need to do once...